Daily Prompts · Third Generation

Can’t you act like an adult for once in your life?

Percival (K3)

Timeline/World: Atheria 3rd Generation
Characters: Percival Storme
Race: Halfling – Angel / Human
Age: 40, physically about 24
Final Word Count: 532 words




“….just, for once in your life, Percy, can you at least try a tiny little bit?”

“Nuh huh, nope, I like my life the way it is. Plus, it’s not like I don’t act like an adult every day. I get up, wash up, get dressed. I prepare food, clean dishes. I mow the lawn, vac the house, really, I do a whole lot of adult things but today is just not going to be one of these days.” Grinning like a loon at his brother, Percival merely shrugged his shoulders and watched as Oliver rolled his eyes a moment. This was a discussion they had almost every time they met up and it amused him every time.

He knew his brother only meant well and that was probably why it didn’t really irk him to be nagged this way when they were together. It was his own fault in the long run and he took full responsibilities for Oliver’s half-exasperated half-amused nagging.

It had only happened a handful of years back at this point, they’d been out at the beach to actually try and find some things that he no longer could really recall at this point though the reasoning behind that was pretty simple, he’d acted like a complete child all throughout the day. From picking up what his brother had found and throwing it out far into the water to shoving said brother into the water as well. He’d even—though he regretted that one somewhat—thrown their whole lunch off into the water. All of it had been fish food and sealed in quickly biodegradable paper but still.

Percy grinned wryly at that particular part of the memory and shook his head as he waved his brother off a little.

“Come on, we’re going to be late if we don’t get going and I want to be able to jump off that cliff.”

“All yours that, I’m still not about to take that jump myself.”


“Don’t start, Percy. I don’t force you to go deep down under in the caves to explore; don’t force me to jump the cliff.”

“Point, sorry.”

“Wait, did you just apologize to me?”

“I did and it’s never going to happen again so you better appreciate it while it lasts!” It was just the way he was, though he wasn’t always acting out in that particular way but there was something in the air when he was with his brother, he just couldn’t help himself. He didn’t mean any of it in a bad way and he knew Oliver knew that just the same. So he didn’t feel bad for very long when he could see the flicker of hurt emotions on that face.

“All right, all right, let’s just get going while I watch you flail on your way down that cliff side, screaming like a banshee every time.”

“I do not.”

“Seriously? You do. I should film it, show it to Molly.”

“You wouldn’t dare!” By the amused grin slowly surfacing on Oliver’s face, Percival knew this was a case of likely-would-dare and he shook his head, sticking his tongue out. He’d deal.