Daily Prompts · Lost in Translation

I think I should leave. This is going nowhere.

Caelestis (TtLG)

Timeline/World: Through the Looking Glass – Lost in Translation
Characters: Caelestis
Race: Angel – Water
Age: 25, physically about 20
Final Word Count: 533 words

I want to believe that I have a good head on my shoulders. My adoptive parents raised me well, taught me to act accordingly to the situation, to make sure I knew what I was getting into before getting into it and just, I’m grateful for their patience because I know I was an unruly child. I was the type of kid who wanted to be mischievous because I had nothing else to do with my time.

In a way, I suppose this habit I’ve made to really study things through before I do any of it is reason the reason why I might not have quite as many friends as some others, but in the cases of the one person I’m thinking of, I know that most of these ‘friends’ of theirs are more acquaintances than friends and they probably don’t even recall each and every one of their names, something I pride myself on. I know the name of my friends, of their companions, their pets if they have any, what they like, what they don’t what makes them happy or afraid, it’s all such simple but important stuff to know.

This one hyper-popular one… I thought he was my friend at one point, that was a few years ago, of course, but still. I’ve learned better since then. So often I was wondering what I was doing spending time with him, wondering why I wasn’t doing something else that was more productive and so often he’d just cut me off when I was trying to talk, so he could do his own thing instead of what we’d discussed. Looking back now, I just can’t understand what I had seen in him or what I thought I had seen in him.

I was an idiot, I gave him an ultimatum. I told him that if we were going to spend time together, he had to stop acting like I didn’t mind, like my ideas didn’t matter and like, well like I was little more than a speck of dust on his shoe. He laughed at me, shoved me back and told me to go home and cry. I was baffled, confused. I was lost and I couldn’t understand why any of this was happening and I almost did cry, I remember that much. I almost cried. I refused to, though. I stood back up, dusted myself up and left. I held my head high, walked calmly away and went back home where I collapsed in a confused heap on my bed. My guardian at the time looked in on me after I’d failed to come back out for our shared meal time and I broke down, cried. I told them everything and they let me know that while my decision to give an ultimatum might not have been a good idea, it has made a point, however. I was better off without this one in my life.

It took some time before I was able to wrap my mind around the idea, I’d felt betrayed, we’d grown up together, in a way but once I’d accepted it all, I felt relieved, I felt at peace. Everything was just wonderfully perfect.

Daily Prompts · Royal Bloodline

It wasn’t a coincidence.

Singh (AE - TO)

Timeline/World: Terraphim – Royal Bloodlines
Characters: Singh Waterfield
Race: Human
Age: 31
Final Word Count: 533 words

There are two types of people, those who believe that everything happens for a reason and those who don’t. I don’t really know where I stand, so I suppose there might be three types of people in the world. In the end, it hardly matters.

My mind has been wandering on and off about how things changed, how I went from being saved, to being taken away, to once more being saved. Was it a coincidence that I was at the palace when they were? That I was paraded around to the eyes of those who had seen me before, had saved me before? I just don’t know. I hadn’t been at that palace long, not when I was taken away from my old ‘keeper’ and brought to the safety of the right side of things once again.

I don’t care to think much about the time I ugly things I have had to do during that dark time. I don’t even fully remember how it happened or why things fell apart, just that they did. For a while I was there, I was healing up from that terrible wound in my leg, the next I was back to having a collar around my neck and I was being paraded around like I was no more than an object to be stared at and, later on when I could walk without too much of a limp though there still is a bit of that going on even now, I was sold to the highest bidders.

My life has always been along these lines, I won’t lie. I was raised in a whore house and for years, once I’d been of a certain age; I’d helped in teaching all the newcomers how to do their job. It mostly kept me clothed and kept me out of the line of sight of the other bidders who would have liked to use me like a bit of furniture for a while so I couldn’t quite complain.

Now, well now my life feels like it holds a certain measure of bliss. There is no more undressing for strangers, being paraded to unknowns, being made to give ‘favours’ to those I would rather not approach at all. Instead, I get to watch the triplets grow. Six years old already and it simply is startling to notice how fast time seems to go on by without notice. Has it already been six years? It hardly seems like it would have been but it clearly has and it makes me wonder if anything has slipped me by, if I’ve gone on to my daily routine and forgotten something or other I most likely shouldn’t have. I can’t tell.

Is it a coincidence that it feels as though time flows through my fingers faster when I am happy? When I am surrounded by those who care about my well-being, those who would rather see me free than bound? I suppose not. I suppose it is to be expected, time is an illusion. It always drifts by much faster when it is enjoyed and slows down to a crawl in times of negativity. That perhaps is why I focus on the positive.