Daily Prompts · Third Generation

Nothing was out of place.

Kimberly (K3 - NYC)

Timeline/World: Atheria 3rd Generation
Characters: Kimberly Storm
Race: Halfling – Human / Strife
Age: 41, physically about 25
Final Word Count: 563 words

I admit that I do have a slight perfectionist side, that coupled with just a bare hint of what they’d called ‘obsessive-compulsive disorder’ back then, and there were certain things that bugged me. I say a ‘bare hint’ because it’s just about right. I don’t need to wash my hands every time I do something, I don’t need to open or close doors, lights or anything else a set number of times, I just like my things to be placed perfectly so, otherwise it bothers me.

It also doesn’t really apply to everything; it’s mostly things on shelves, things that are out on display. So books, because I have a pretty big collection of hardcovers and paperbacks I love to read, compact discs, because I’m old-fashioned but everyone still has those despite the fact that it’s easier to just get music on thumb drives nowadays but I like to be able to look through my collection and just, things like these.

Thing is, the way I need these to be, the order, tends to change now and again, not often but often enough that it gives me something to do, usually when I’m sick—a pretty rare occurrence—and I guess that you could say it actually soothes me to fix these things. I’m not the type who’ll go haywire because someone didn’t place the book back in its spot or perfectly aligned but it will bug me and I’ll just take it from where it is and place it back where it should be, at least in my mind’s eyes.

This particular habit has led to funny, at least to me though I’m sure he’s found them funny later on, situations with Demetrius. I’m an orderly soul. Considering my lineage, I suppose that could be worth a chuckle. Keys? Bowl in the entryway, magazines, because yeah, we still get stuff and it’s interesting to read, in a particular rack. These don’t need to be in order or anything but I like them to be in the area they should be at; it just makes sense to me. So I admit that often enough before, not as much now, if I’d spot his or my keys—not everything works with key cards after all but most things—elsewhere than in the bowl, I’d take them, bring them back and most of the time, not long after, I’d get a ‘where are the keys?’ out of him. I found it hilarious.

It was a little hard at first, this living together thing. This whole thing about getting used to his habits and mine. Getting used to who was placing what where and how we’d set things up. I might have a bit of a hard time adapting to major changes but I’ve worked on that in the years we’ve been together and I’d like to think that I have adapted, that I’ve changed and it’s all thanks to him. I’m glad, I really am and I wouldn’t change a thing about how our life has panned out since we first met.

I would be a very miserable soul if he hadn’t been there with me from the start and my life would be pretty meaningless, so even if I have to go through all the changes I did for us to be together, I’d do it all over again if it meant being with him.