Daily Prompts · Second Generation

I think there’s a new life form evolving in my fridge.

Tebryn (AE - K2)

Timeline/World: Atheria 2nd Generation
Characters: Tebryn Abaeir
Race: Drow
Age: 67, physically about 25
Final Word Count: 546 words

I’m not sure how we missed it. It’s not like we keep a lot of extra stuff in there unless we’ve just recently grocery shopped.

So these two containers at the far back, sitting innocently behind everything else, I really don’t know how long they’ve been in there and I’m not about to wake Maro to ask him about them. I don’t normally get up in the middle of the night for snacks but this night was just one of those things and I needed something to nibble on. These containers though, I can tell there’s something off about them. I can’t even remember where they came from because we don’t have anything like that in our cupboards.

Do I pull them out and throw them out, sit them on the counter and wait until this likely life form tells me to put it back in the fridge where it’s cool? I might just pull them out and bag them so we can try to figure out just what they were, if the containers are salvageable and if we can try to recall who might have left us these very containers because I’m going to feel sort of bad for having missed out on potential food left by one of the few friends we have.

I’m not very picky when it comes to food, that comes from having had to eat what I could after I was kicked out of the house and it wasn’t always pleasant and tasty food, furthest from. I could even say it was actually quite the opposite. Most of the time, the stuff I could find or afford was like trying to chug back a gallon of milk that is well over its due date. It never sat very well, it took some time to be digested but it did tide me over until hunger would make itself known again later on but that is a life of the past and I don’t have to worry about that anymore.

This potential life form growing at the back of the fridge though, I’m really going to have to figure it out because I’m just not sure as to how it happened. If it evolves to the point of having a mind of its own, I’m not sure I’ll be able to throw it out; I’d feel terrible, wasting perfectly good sentient gross-food like that. Oh, who am I kidding? It’s gonna go in the trash one way or another in the morning and I’ll feel no remorse. I’m pretty sure it’ll help that sorta weird smell that’s been sitting in the fridge for a while. I’m glad I found it now and not just later.

For now, I guess these containers are just going to go into this bag, which I’m trying absolutely shut and they can sit at the forefront of the fridge until morning. When the light is there and we can try to figure these things out easier, we will, for now, what appetite I had is gone so I guess I’m just going to take a glass of water and wander on back to bed to settle back into the warm spot I’ve left behind, not sure it’ll be warm still but that’s just something else to fuss about.