Daily Prompts · Third Generation

Can you imagine how boring an endless slide would be after the thirty minute mark?

Francisco (K3)

Timeline/World: Atheria 3rd Generation
Characters: Francisco Lorence
Race: Halfling – Elf (tinker) / Human
Age: 37, physically about 27
Final Word Count: 539 words

My mind has always gone to strange places. Not bad, strange places but odd, strange places. Like, what would it be like to fly on my own? That one in itself is not very strange considering we have dragons and angels and demons and other beings with wings among us. Other strange places would be perhaps closer to what would it be like to be on an endless slide?

That one hadn’t come to me before, despite all the comic books I’d read and you’d think there are no correlations between the two but let me tell you, there are. I’ve discovered so many strange things from comic books and I’ve read from all types. From the classic superhero ones to the stuff they’d have called ‘yaoi’ back there and even some of its feminine counterpart. I’ve read horror comic books, gag ones, all sorts.

The idea of being on an endless slide though, it’s been stuck with me for a little while and I’m not sure why. It’s like both sides of my brain are arguing about it because they want too; this is also something that isn’t all that unusual, I have a hard time deciding on things at times. Pizza for dinner, cheese or with bacon bits? It might seem like a mindless sort of thing for the average person but it happens to me a lot. I don’t think I’m indecisive; I’m just always weighing both sides of everything, maybe just a little too much.

Take the slide, for example: if you love slides, you’ve probably been on every slide imaginable we have at the water park and I admit I have, often. I didn’t at first because the sensation of free-falling was making me sick—literally!—but I’ve overcome that. If you’re in it just for the thrill of the fall, you might not have tried all the slides though, just the ones that have a fast drop rate. We have a few of those too but my favourite is the one that has pocket dimensions attached to it.

The idea behind it makes sense; you get to decide when you have enough of sliding. You get in there, slide on down and you’ll be sliding through these little portals that are partial magic, partial technology and so long as your conscious mind doesn’t go ‘enough!’ you’ll keep on sliding down. Of course, there are several fail-safe bits and pieces just in case but still. The longest I’ve ever been in there was about ten minutes, despite that all the loops and ups and downs were different, ten minutes was enough for it to become boring for me.

So to think of someone being stuck on an endless slide makes me wonder if they wouldn’t go inside from the lack of proper stimuli. If a slide gets boring to me after ten minutes, I’m sure it’s bound to get boring for the vast majority of people after a while and being stuck in a slide with no way out until the very end of time would be boring in a bad way. At least that’s what I think about it and I don’t know that I’ll really change my mind about it.