Daily Prompts · Rockbourne Dome

I don’t think now is a good time to be picky about this.

Sorren (Eri)

Timeline/World: Erisia – Rockbourne Dome
Characters: Sorren Quinn-Speziale
Race: Human
Age: 16
Final Word Count: 534 words

There were days when some things just flared up more than others. Most of the time it wasn’t so much a problem, they’d worked around the things that set him off but at times it was just really out of the blue, there was no helping it and no fixing it. At the very least, when those happened, he didn’t have screaming fits the way he used to when so much younger. Most of these fits now centred around food items and his reaction was mild at first, he refused to eat the item if it set him off.

That wasn’t much of an issue when they were at home, it was a partial issue when it was lunch at school—and that happened every now and again because his nose seemed to detect something in the scent of the food that would set him off—and it tended to be a seriously big issue when they were on drops because not eating the food there was a survival problem and that was what happened last time.

Shai had done everything to make him eat the ration bar but he would have had none of it, he just didn’t want to eat it. It was wrong on all levels and he would have preferred to go hungry than to eat the thing, even if some part of him couldn’t grasp why the rest of his brain was so set on not eating that bar. He’d been so hungry by then but at times, in his brain, it was like two sides were warring and while his side with the most common sense did manage to overcome the other most of the time, it did not always win.

Sorren didn’t like to think back to that particular situation. To anyone else outside their regular circle, he was just a young man being picky about the food and putting himself, as well as his drop partner, in danger by not being at his fittest but it just wasn’t that. He hadn’t gone hungry long, of course, but still. After a whole lot of pleading from Shai, Sorren had left, he’d wandered their area, sweat rolling off of him in the impossible summer heat and while he hadn’t wandered far, he’d gone far enough to locate a few bushes of juicy berries.

His hands had been stained deeply red by the time he’d come back but the edge of hunger had been gone from his stomach and it was done trying to gnaw itself to pieces. Shai had fussed and worried about the stain but those hands producing the berries in question had stopped that worry short and instead had pulled a slightly tired laugh from his brother. Sorren was aware that in that particular situation, it had been a mix of the heat and something about the ration bar that had set him off, he could understand that much.

They ate the refreshing berries until both their hands were stained red from their juice, that particular afternoon, before going to wash up. Sorren might have been seen as picky but he wasn’t resourceless and he could handle himself most of the time when something sat wrong.