Daily Prompts · Gifted Ones

You aren’t so chill anymore.

Briar (AE)

Timeline/World: Alternate Earth – Almost Timeless
Characters: Briar Queshire
Race: Halfling – Angel / Human
Age: 274, physically about 24
Final Word Count: 579 words

The expression was confusing. I had heard it before but I had never had to ask the meaning since it had not had anything to do with me but now that I had heard it before, it had come back to the surface of my mind and trying to make sense of it was not leading me much of anywhere. I might have had an eidetic memory—despite being blind, it is not just about seeing—and I recalled every small detail pertaining to everything but this expression had never found itself with an answer and it did baffle me to a strange point.

I thought about asking my brother about it, he had more contact with the outside world and its newest generation than I did but I wondered if it really was all that important. My mind still was trying to puzzle and piece things together. The air had not been chilly, it rarely was, so was it about someone who perhaps had been a little chilly and now was more than warm enough? No, that made little sense, the sentence had used ‘chill’ and not ‘chilly’ and I had been certain it had been meant that way.

I let it fall to the back of my mind like everything else but I knew it would come back to the surface every now and again, begging to be understood. This was the one trouble with my mind. Unclear things surfaced often, seeking answers and I knew I would give it the answer it wanted but at the point I was at, it was moot.

When I did come back home from my wandering with Judas—never on my own would any of these souls let me wander and I do appreciate it, this home and its surroundings are much bigger than the almost little shack I used to live in and I knew my way around that shack perfectly. There still were some nooks in this house I had not discovered and the way to the nearest public area was much further and for my safety and Jude’s sanity it was decided that I would best wander with companionship, I accepted that.

I did wonder for a moment, however, why not ask my companion about the meaning of those words? I am most uncertain as to why I did not bother asking while we were finally making our way back, I suppose that, in a way, it was not all that important to know and by the time the idea of asking had surfaced, we’d wandered off and away and I knew that his mind did not always latch onto the same things mine did and confusing him while he was in the driver’s seat of our vehicle was not very high on my list of things to experiment with.

The whole thing had wandered off to the back of my mind when we made it back home and I let it be. We gathered our treasure—more precious seedlings for me to tend to with love among other things—and made our way back inside so I could see to these little plants and take care of them in the best way I knew how.

I have been making these natural recipes for so long that all of it comes easy now but it still keeps me occupied most of the time and I can help others without using up all of my personal healer’s energy.