Bird Harem · Daily Prompts

You always know what I’m thinking without me having to say anything. I can’t deny how much relief that brings me.

Nokimi Soun (BH)

Timeline/World: Darkness of Space – Bird Harem
Current Date: August 12, 4022

Character: Nokimi Soun
Race: Demon – Sex
Age: 32, physically about 18
Current residence: Red Belt Asteroid

For a while, I honestly thought I was going to be safe from having to deal with the idiots that the others had dealt with already. The people who came in and settled only to talk. Now, I have nothing against the talkers but—BUT—if they come to talk about their issues as though we might have a better understanding of everything that’s troubling them instead of, you know, doing the smart thing and talking to a head doc, I have issues with that. Especially since I know for a fact that coming to the bird house is not cheap and there are head docs out there who are a good bit cheaper than this.

I’ve had one regular lately who always looked like he’d been having pretty cruddy days the moment he stepped into my room, but I didn’t ask him about it. It is not my place. My place is to more or less bend over and let them have at it. I know it’s crass, but that’s really the short version of things. Some do appreciate other positions but the vast majority of my usual? Yeah, they’re the bend-me-over type. That’s fine.

Matthew is really sweet, honestly. He’s a little different from the norm, seems a bit young to really be coming by to see me every week but that’s his money and I’m not going to say no. He’s usually pretty gentle and it certainly is different from a lot of the other clients I have to deal with.

Over the last few weeks, though, as I’ve mentioned, when he came around, he seemed a little down. He was distracted but I let him. He likes being able to be the one to make all the important little decisions and I let him have that.

Yesterday, when he came up to my room, he flopped into the armchair, gave me this long, quiet look and I just waited on whatever it was he wanted to say or do because it was clear there was even more on his mind at that point. After a few moments, he heaved another sigh, got up, walked up to me and hugged me like his life depended on it.

With his face pressed against my hair, he mumbled something about how I always know what he’s thinking without his having to say anything and he couldn’t deny how much relief that brought him. Had he not been a regular whose behaviour I was aware of, I would have told him to get out. That kind of starting speech is exactly what I have no desire to hear.

I did let him hug me for as long as he wanted but eventually, I untangled myself from him. If he wanted to play that game, he could. I took the reins. Got him undressed and ready, got myself situated, and there was no talking at all after that. He was done much quicker than usual, and he didn’t stay very long. He’d paid for the whole hour but I’m not about to force people to stay once their business is done.

I’m sure that he’ll come back next week but if he repeats that little spiel of his, I might have to tell him to try one of the other birds. He knows that I’m not one for much talk and he’s been respectful of that from the start. Even if all he wants to do is hug me for an hour, he can do that without telling me these lies while his face is pressed up against my hair.

I’m probably one of the most mellow ones here in the bird house. There’s a lot I’m willing to let slip because I don’t really want to bother with it, but I do have my limits and having to play head doc to someone who really should be seeing a doc is not one of those things I’m willing to do. I don’t have that kind of training and I don’t want it. I picked my path in life and I’m going to stick with it. It’s not glamorous, there are days when you wish you didn’t have to deal with any of the clients, but it is what it is.

Don’t expect me to do something I’m not being paid to do. I’m here for you to have sex with and that’s all there is to that. I’m not about to take you in my arms and rock you from side to side while telling you that you’re all right and that everything is going to be okay. We’re not that kind of service.

Final Word Count: 770