Daily Prompts · First Generation

I want to say that’s the last time I’ll ever listen to you, but we both know that’d be a lie.

Taliesin (K1)

Timeline/World: Through the Looking Glass – Atheria 1st Generation
Current Date: June 4, 2059

Character: Taliesin Kaminari
Race: Demon – God of Fate
Age: 4 407, physically about 28
Current residence: Atheria City, Eresiel

There are days when I would like to yeet my sister right out of the stratosphere. But then I remind myself that while we are family, I don’t have to spend every waking moment of my time with her and if she annoys the ever-living hell out of me, I can just sort of walk away and let her have her laugh. Because that’s what this is about most of the time.

The rare times we’ll cross paths unprompted—family gathering, holidays, all those fun, fun things—she’ll usually have a witty remark for me and I often find myself just on the edge of desiring to tell her that this encounter will be the last one of which I’ll listen to her, but we both would know that to be a lie.

She still is my flesh and blood, she’s my twin in age, if not in name, and we both went through similar issues when we were granted our gifts. Sure, there were quite a few differences since there is nothing to her own gift that mine has anything to do with, but it still was an unprompted gift for both of us and learning came with that gift.

Unprompted seems to be my word of choice currently. I don’t even know where I picked it up from. I imagine it has to come from Aurore; I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case. You would think her attached to knowledge more than thunderstorms for all those fancy-schmancy words she likes to throw at me when we do meet. Those words don’t come only during our unexpected meetings, she seems to find amusement in using words around me that she thinks I might not know.

The joke’s on her, I might be brute and brawn more than brains, but I’m not that much of an idiot and most of her—playful, I know—insults don’t fall into a misunderstood mess. Just a few days ago, we crossed paths at the market. I was heading out, she was heading in, and she made a snarky comment about what I was bringing home, I might have very well made a snarky comment right back about how I’d have to make sure to have a leash and collar on hand next time I saw her to make sure she didn’t get lost again.

Don’t you love the way sibling relationships work? It’s a wonderful sort of thing, let me tell you. I know that we’re a special case, especially considering that her snark only comes on because it’s me. I know she’s a sweetheart to everyone else and, on the same note, I know she’s not always a bitch to me. It just so happens that I bring that out in her, the way I bring it out in most people. It’s just part of who I am, and I’ve made my peace with that a long time ago.

I am tempted to drop off a collar and leash in the system, though, let it end on her end and let them figure that one out. Then, I remind myself that I don’t know that side of my sister that way—and I have no desire to—and for all I know, they’d end up making use of these things and imagining that just rubs me wrong. And even just saying that is wrong. I don’t even want to think about anything rubbing anything else in any way whatsoever when it comes to anyone other than Thad.

Maybe I’ve gone soft. It wouldn’t be all that surprising and it wouldn’t be the end of all things. I know that my behaviour for most of my life came from emotional issues I just couldn’t handle and while it’s easy to blame that now and I’d like to claim that I deeply regret my behaviour from once upon a time, I don’t really. Not for the most part, in any case.

While not everyone who has been on the receiving end of wonderful lil’ ol’ me deserved it, I still believe that most of the ones who crossed my path and met with my wrath—figuratively more often than not, that very word—deserved it. I wouldn’t change that at all. I am as I am, if people don’t care for me, they don’t. It hardly bothers me anymore. I have in my life the one person who matters—along with the family that came with sharing my life in this way—and that’s all there is to it. I’m not about to go wet-eyed over something that happened in the past and that I wouldn’t even be able to change, anyway.

What would be the point?

Final Word Count: 785