Daily Prompts · New York City

One of these days, you’ll regret pushing my buttons.

Sasha (NYC)

Timeline/World: Until Tomorrow – New York City
Current Date: June 20, 2024

Character: Sasha Lars
Race: Human
Age: 35
Current residence: New York City Ruins, New York

There is a new mother in our building, and I don’t know how I feel about her. Though I say new mother and I suppose the term is fitting but at the same time, the fact remains that this isn’t her first child, she has two more living with her, an on-off boyfriend and I still don’t know how I feel about her.

I suppose that starting from the beginning of things would likely help.

She moved into the same building we live in about two years ago, I think. She already had the two kids with her at that point and back then, I would have put the older one at possibly six, the younger of the two maybe three. I could have been wrong, I’ve never been great when it comes to pinning the age to the face or body but Magnus said that was just about the ages the two kids seemed to be. There didn’t seem to be a father figure in the picture, but I also didn’t make it my business to ask her about it. She seemed as though she’d been in another building, but still in the hub, so it wasn’t as though she didn’t know her way around and all.

She wasn’t even really courteous to any of us, she’d ignore us if we crossed paths in the stairwell or in the hallways and I guess we learned to mostly tune her out, if nothing else. Her kids were sweet, though, they were playful and not even wary of strangers, but I think that most kids born after the snow just aren’t. Our community is just so small that being wary of strangers isn’t exactly common anymore, though it technically should be in some way.

Anyway, over time there were men coming and going and I have to use that term very loosely because, based on the sounds coming from her apartment, I just feel bad for her kids, and I hope they sleep like the dead when said men are coming. I wish it was a pun.

About a year ago, the flow of men seemed to slow a little and I guess it wasn’t all that hard to understand why considering how big her belly was at that point. I’m not saying that heavily pregnant women aren’t attractive, I’m well aware that for some men, the more heavily pregnant a woman, the more attractive she will be. But clearly, she was heavy with at least one child, and it was the same man that came around at that point. At least, the one that we saw more often than not.

Cue six months back, two beautiful babies came to be and if not for that on-off boyfriend, I don’t think that the two little ones would even be alive at this point. I’ve lost count of how often we’ve heard her scream at the little ones to stop crying, how she somehow seems to think that they’re pushing her ‘buttons’ on purpose and that they’ll regret it one of these days. These little things are six fucking months old. They’re not pushing any buttons. They’re just trying to survive at this point.

So yeah, I say she’s a new mother, but I don’t know that the term fully fits. I know I’ve been told that being a new mother is never really over, while some doctors say that it’s those first six to eight weeks post-partum and just, I’ve never had kids of my own, I don’t know that I ever will, even if I could but I still don’t think that screaming at your kids to stop pushing your buttons when they’re barely six months old is going to get you anywhere.

I really don’t know how I feel about her. I didn’t mind her at first, I mean, she was pretty much just ignoring the lot of us and barely even parenting her own kids, they’d run to us when they saw us outside and in the halls and I feel that we—as the building’s family, if you would—have been raising her little ones more than she has since she’s come here.

I know that the guy that drops in almost every day—but never spends the night, I see him come and go enough to be able to tell that much—is probably the only reason why those little ones are still alive at this point. I don’t know if he’s their father or not, not that it really matters all that much to me, but while I don’t know anything about him, I’m still just glad he’s around if it keeps the kids alive, then it’s a good thing.

We might have to do something if he stops coming around and doesn’t take off with the kids if he ever does. I don’t want things to end up going that far, but I’ll do whatever I have to if it does.

Final Word Count: 826