Daily Prompts · New York City

I’m fairly certain that this should remain a secret.

Ixchel (NYC)

Timeline/World: Until Tomorrow – New York City
Current Date: December 7, 2022

Character: Ixchel Tozi
Race: Human
Age: 27
Current residence: New York City Ruins, New York

Being secretive has never really worked out for me. For one thing, my parents hovered so much while I was growing up and sick that I couldn’t even keep anything from them if I wanted, and two, this rainbow wig I used to wear made me quite visible to others and I don’t think that I could have hidden away either if I’d wanted to.

Once my hair started to slowly grow back, some months after my final treatments and here, after the snow came, I still wore the wig. It took until my hair was at least to my chin before I stopped wearing it. It was still somewhat thin, and I didn’t feel comfortable with it. Now, well now it’s closer to my shoulder blades because that’s just how slow my hair grows and I’ve found means of dyeing some of the strands different colours through natural means, it’s been an interesting experience.

I do remember, though, when my parents had agreed to the very colourful wig. I’d been so happy. It seemed to give me just a little extra something in life. Something bright and pretty that I could turn to when I felt tired, or after I’d slowly gotten back to my feet after a seizure.

The one thing that remains with me, even now, years down the road, is that I know I gave my parents this look that I thought might have been meaningful but that’s hard to really know for certain if it was or not at this point. Here I was, learning how to secure this very colourful wig on my head and I told my parents that this was our secret. That they weren’t allowed to talk about how this wasn’t my hair.

It was young, even back then. I think I was allowed to want to keep this kind of secrecy. I felt that the hair was just so beautiful and wanting to believe that it truly was mine gave me something to smile about if you would. They indulged me. I think it was one of the rare things I sort of really set my little child-foot down about and they allowed me.

Clearly, no one would have really believed it was my real hair but the nurses I saw every time I had to go back would gush about it all and it just made me happy, you know? I think that it gave me that little extra boost that made me into the person I am now. Despite the seizures, the headaches and the tumour, I’ve always tried to be the happy one. I think a word that some people have used to describe me before in the past might have been bubbly. I probably didn’t truly know the meaning of that word back then but thinking back about it now, I suppose they might have had a point.

I still try to be a positive person every day. The world has changed, I still wear my bracelet, but I know they’ve done something in my head because I haven’t honestly had any headaches in years, and I’ve had no seizures to deal with either. It’s been such a drastic change from what my life was before the snow. I don’t know exactly what it is they’ve done and I’m not about to ask to try and understand. I know that Doc Axl and Doc Flynn worked together to get me as good as new and that’s all that matters.

Secrets are hard for me to keep. This is one of those things I’ve come to realize about myself. They’re hard to keep but, on that same note, I don’t think I could ever begin to want to keep secrets from Anisa. She deserves nothing but the truth from me and I find myself just loving her so much that lies would hurt to tell.

Heck, if I think about it, I think it only took a couple of days of knowing her before I’d told her about the wig, mostly because I wasn’t feeling exactly great back then and I had to spend a lot of time just sitting at the bottom of that shower in the bunker but still. I hadn’t felt like I had to absolutely keep the secret of my wig to myself. I mean, I knew, by then, that there were some people who paid their hairdressers hundreds of dollars to have hair like that but mine was never going to grow out and I liked the feeling of friendship I’d found in her back then, so I wanted her to know me the way I really was.

Meeting her has been one of the better things that have happened to me, too. I have no regrets.

Final Word Count: 795
Daily Prompts · New York City

I have mild concerns about you, sometimes, but I told myself I wouldn’t get protective.

Ixchel (NYC) 
Timeline/World: Until Tomorrow – New York City
Characters: Ixchel Tozi
Race: Human
Age: 27
Current residence: New York City Ruins, New York
Final Word Count: 782 words

It’s weird the things some people will do when they think you’re not doing okay. For all of the time I spent in hospitals while I was growing up—as a child, it felt like forever to me—I know how a lot of people act when they’re worried about you. As far as my parents were concerned, they tended to hover, worry as though I might have been made of glass and one wrong move would set me tumbling down and breaking into itty-bitty pieces.

I’m not sure why this woman I’ve come across recently seems to act the way she does. She fusses over someone I just can’t see, and I’ve wondered to myself if she just isn’t all there. I don’t want to assume that; it’s not very nice of me to do that even if it might be true. I wouldn’t want someone taking just one look at me and then thinking to themselves that I’m a bit weird in the head. I’m not, and I wouldn’t really know unless they told me, so I guess it doesn’t really matter but still, the thought remains.

I’ve come across her more often than not lately and it’s just been a little odd. I mean, around this place, there aren’t really any homeless people. Everyone has a place to stay, whether or not they stay at that place that is found for them is theirs to decide. Whenever I cross her, she does honestly look like she’s homeless. She dresses the way some of the homeless people I remember seeing when I was young did. Tattered clothing, unkempt hair—not that this is a sign of homelessness, I’m just saying.

At one point, I think I’d seen glimpses of her for a couple of weeks at that point, I actually saw her daily when I was walking to the little marketplace that people have set up not very far from where our building is. It’s like a couple of blocks away and it’s a nice sort of daily exercise. I tend to go there with one thing or three from our own small garden and I bring back things we would use that day.

So on those walks, she was there and back every day for a single week and, I don’t really know why, but at the end of that first week, because a small part of me is still that person who wants to make everyone smile, I stopped by her and I offered her one of the fruits I’d gotten on that day. It was a minimal sort of thing to be given away, an extra I’d been offered, and it was fine.

She looked at me then, her eyes seeming to search my face and just, right there and out of nowhere, after she took the fruit from my hand and bit into it, she mumbled into the air right in front of her that she was worried about me. Now, I know that the me in question wasn’t really me. She wasn’t looking at me, she was looking intensely at something right in front of her. She barely paused, chewing loudly, and kept on going that, sometimes; at least, she was worried, but she told herself she wouldn’t get protective.

I know I watched her just for a few more moments, mostly because I was a little curious about her, but she was pretty much just methodically crunching through the fruit I’d given her and ignoring me as though I wasn’t even there.

So, I took that as a somewhat wasted effort—though in a way she had food as I’d never seen her move from her spot whenever I crossed her path, not that it meant she never ate—and I just kept on walking.

I’ve seen her still, but I haven’t really crossed her path again. After that encounter—if that’s even what it could be called—she actually moved to another spot. It’s not a spot that’s very far and if I do look for her, I can spot her, but of the paths I take to make my way to other areas, she’s nowhere near. That’s all right, though, really. I don’t know what I’d do if I came across her before. A little part of me would want to give her more fruit just to make sure she’s eating fine because she really is looking like she’s homeless, but I know better.

There might be something a little wrong with her mind but it’s not really my job to make sure she gets looked over. If she’s survived this long, that means she has her ways and that’s that.

Daily Prompts · Third Generation

You told me that we weren’t safe, but if this place isn’t safe, then where do we go?

Ixchel (K3) 
Timeline/World: Through the Looking Glass – Atheria 3rd Generation
Characters: Ixchel Tozi
Race: Angel
Age: 33, physically about 20
Current residence: Atheria City, Eresiel
Final Word Count: 727 words

I hadn’t had dreams—let alone nightmares—about my mentor before. I mean, it feels like a lifetime ago that I left, but I know that it hasn’t really been that long, not really.

I still recall how much I just wanted to graduate away from her and the madness I was sure I could glimpse in her eyes whenever she would tell me these weird little things or whenever I think she believed no one was really looking. She was good at hiding that madness away, but it slipped through fairly easily. At least, around me it seemed to slip through fairly easily.

In that nightmare, though, I don’t think she was even trying to hide her madness at all, not anymore. I really don’t know what happened with the end of the world. I don’t even know if any of the guardians were out with their charges or trying to keep any of them safe. I was here and that’s what mattered to me, in any case. Not that I was really considered a guardian anymore, not after I’d more or less deserted my post so I could focus on keeping her safe.

In that nightmare—I suppose it could have been a dream to some—she was just frightening. She kept on telling me what nowhere was safe and that we were all going to die and just, it was terrifying, you know? I kept on asking her what she meant, and I kept on trying to get her to let me know about where we were supposed to go if this place wasn’t safe but there was no answer from her, she would just go around and around in circles, mumbling one moment and screaming the next.

By the time the sun was going down in the dream that felt more like a nightmare to me, she’d worn a path in the ground, and she’d actually ripped most of her hair and quite a few of her feathers out. I’ve never known of any angel to do that particular thing; I’m told it’s very unpleasant. Nothing had tried to attack us, and I just couldn’t tell whether the danger was more likely to find us at night or not; her sole presence was enough to make me feel on edge. It had always been her that I’d worried about the most.

I think that, in a way, this is why this feels more like a nightmare than a dream. At any given moment, I was terrified that she’d somehow snap and attack me, and well, then what? It would have also explained why she felt that we weren’t safe but that she didn’t know of any other places where we would be any safer. As though there still was one small part of her that could rationalize but it was slowly going down the drain.

I woke up once the sun had finished going down and the moon failed to rise. It was darker than it should have been; I should have been able to see some stars out there but there was nothing. The darkness became all-encompassing and just, I freaked out even more than I’d been during the whole ‘day’ that had just drifted on by in the dream and I guess that this is what woke me up.

It still was early that morning; the sun wasn’t even really peeking along the horizon yet but one look at the clock on the bedside table let me know that it wasn’t that long off. So I slipped from the bed as quietly as I could, I escaped off into the kitchen and I made myself a cup of tea because I was so nervous and unsettled that I knew I would never have been able to get back to sleep.

My hands shook as I prepared that tea and they shook as I sat in the hanging hammock on the porch and watched the sun slowly coming up in the distance.

I ended up napping halfway through the day, but can you blame me? I couldn’t even really think straight, and I don’t think I got a whole lot of sleep that night because of the weird nightmare. Usually, I don’t really remember much of my dreams, but I guess that this one was just a bit more than usual.

Daily Prompts · Third Generation

You can’t believe everything they tell you. They think it’s funny.

Ixchel (K3) 
Timeline/World: Through the Looking Glass – Atheria 3rd Generation
Characters: Ixchel Tozi
Race: Angel
Age: 32, physically about 20
Final Word Count: 676 words

While I was still under her watchful eye, under her wing, she would tell me little things that I thought were completely useless but as she was my mentor, I made it my priority to listen to her and make sure I paid attention to everything she said. It didn’t always make sense, and at times I think that she was just pulling my legs but I was young and I told myself that there was a reason why she was my mentor and not anyone else’s.

She was tough, she rarely smiled and she had a lot of charges to her name and I think that might be why she rarely smiled. What broke me a little, when I still was with her, was that she complied with our laws without giving them any room to breathe at all. One of those very laws is that you’re not supposed to come in contact with your charges, let alone in any physical way. You can help them but only with small little mental or emotional nudges, that’s it.

So forget running in to get your charge out of a sticky situation, that’s not happening. I saw a young boy under her care nearly die because he crossed in the near middle of a gang war and she didn’t intervene. She just watched it happen. I wanted to hate her on that particular day but I couldn’t.

One of the things I do remember her telling me, however, was something about not believing everything they told me. She never told me who ‘they’ were supposed to be. She said they thought they were being funny when they said those quiet little things in your mind while you slept but you had to ignore it. On that particular day, she frightened me.

I was sure I could see the madness in her eyes, the madness in her words; I had no one to turn to for these things, however. I didn’t feel like I could talk about this to the people who were technically one step above her in the hierarchy by fear that all of my time spent with her would be moot and I’d have to start over with someone else. I didn’t want to. I’d seen enough ugly things with her.

I just wanted to ‘graduate’ and have my first charge though somehow, back then, I thought I’d be with her for some years before I went anywhere. I’d never really heard of anyone getting their proper wings, so to speak, and their first charge at such a young age.

In the end, I’m glad I did. Sure, I ended up breaking all of their rules but it got me free of them and it got me where I feel like I was meant to be all of my life. I wouldn’t really change a thing about it all. I mean, the while I spent with that very mentor still remains clear in my memories and the accidents, maiming and blood I’ve seen will never be washed away but they weren’t mine to oversee. They weren’t mine to keep safe.

At times, I feel like she wasn’t really doing much to keep most of her charges safe; it felt as though she really was just watching them, as though waiting for them all to drop like flies and that turns my stomach in a bad way. When the world ended, I know that some of the realms went with but I don’t know what remains, or not, of the above. Are there still guardian angels? With as few people left on the planet as there were, I’m sure they weren’t as overworked as they were before the end of that very world but I imagine that they’ve lost quite a few to that war as well.

There are things I try not to think about. I don’t think my sanity could take it, not very well. I try to focus on the here and now. On the present and on how beautiful my life is.

Daily Prompts · New York City

I always wanted to drop everything and go somewhere far away from here. No expectations and no one would have to know what I’ve done here.

Ixchel (NYC) 
Timeline/World: Until Tomorrow – New York City
Characters: Ixchel Tozi
Race: Human
Age: 24
Final Word Count: 696 words

Is it strange that I remember some of the kids I crossed while I was at the hospital, all those years ago? It feels like a lifetime, more than just forever. It’s odd. I mean, I didn’t go through chemo because of the seizure, that was something else entirely and it was never pleasant, I mean, I lost my hair to it all but it gave me the excuse of wearing that wig that had all of the colours of the rainbow, so I’ll take it.

I feel like I spent most of my childhood at the hospital and it wouldn’t really be a lie. I mean, there were times when I would spend a couple of weeks out of school for treatments and the rest but it made me feel like I was spending a lot of time there, in the end. I was also pretty young so I guess there’s that.

When I was twelve or so—at least I think it was around that time frame—I remember meeting a lanky boy. He didn’t have any hair either but unlike little old me who was always trying to be bubbly, he looked forlorn, like he’d given everything up and was ready to accept that this was going to be the end of his life.

I might or might not have sneaked into his room at one point, not because I wanted to misbehave, but mostly because I wanted to talk to him. I was that one kid who just wanted to try and make the rest of the world smile, after all.

He gave me this odd look when I stepped into his room. He was in a two-patient room though there was no one else with him at the moment, he had the spot nearest to the window and he’d been staring out there when I slipped inside. I plopped myself on his bed, at least on the edge where his legs hadn’t been and I grinned at him. I introduced myself and just, I guess I made my way right into the heart of it all. I asked him why he looked so sad.

He stared for the longest of times and I’m pretty sure I started to squirm a bit because it was making me uncomfortable; eventually, he shrugged and looked away. After a while longer, he sighed and said that he had always wanted to drop everything and go somewhere far away from ‘here’. I don’t know if his ‘here’ meant the hospital itself or maybe the city. He said that away from here, there would be no expectations from anyone and no one would have to know about what he’d done here. That still confused me since I didn’t know whether he was talking about the hospital or the city, but even then.

I remember opening my mouth to ask him more questions but he shook his head a little and waved his hand, I took that as a request to be quiet though he didn’t shoo me away, so I guess I must not have bothered him that much that he let me stay for a while. We didn’t talk, he watched the sky and I guess I mostly must’ve watched him. Next thing I know, there’s a nurse checking in on him and I’m made to walk back to my room.

I did get a bit in trouble, of course, but it was short-lived since I was fine and they were actually used to me doing these things. Not that they condoned my behaviour, not really, but they knew that I tended to wander on nights when I was restless but felt well enough to wander and never far enough to be a problem. I usually was in someone else’s room just one or two doors down.

I remember that boy.

I also remember that when I went to look in on him the following afternoon, not long before my next chemo session, he was gone. The nurses wouldn’t tell me where he was gone to but I got the feeling that it was a forever-gone and it had made me so sad.

Daily Prompts · New York City

You look fine. Don’t let those jerks make you think differently.

Ixchel (NYC) 
Timeline/World: New York City – Surviving Earth
Characters: Ixchel Tozi
Race: Human
Age: 24
Final Word Count: 619 words

People are cruel. There are no two ways around it.

Not everyone is cruel but we all have that little darkness in us, even the sweetest, gentlest and kindest of human does. I’m not going to say that I’m not cruel, I just don’t think I’ve ever intentionally been but it’s somewhere in there, in me.

It didn’t use to bother me. Not at first. I was a go-getter kid; I was that one sick kid you see in hospitals who still smiles at everyone else, even when she felt rotten, even after chemo, even after I lost my hair. Even when people—other kids mostly and kids are the cruellest of them all because they have no filters—started to get on my case about how terrible I looked without hair. I can’t even tell you if I started wearing my rainbow wig because of that or not. It’s so long back now that I don’t even know the answer to that one myself. Not that it really matters, not when you think about it.

I liked that wig, it made everything seem brighter and more and more people smiled when they saw me.

I do remember a nurse, though, or maybe it was the mother of another kid in the hospital. She was leaning towards me, her voice was soft, the voice of a mother to a child in need and I remember just how much it soothed me then. I think I’d just gone through another chemo session and I was feeling pretty low. She told me that I was looking fine. That I couldn’t let the jerks make me think differently.

They weren’t big words, they weren’t miraculous words but they might have been words I needed at that point. Words I didn’t hear often at that point in my life. I wasn’t the only kid who had lost pretty much all of her hair to chemo and I suppose that most parents stopped mentioning it, at that point. Most of them were more focused on their kids healing than how their kids might have looked but being told by someone that you looked just fine was something I think I needed on that day.

I wish I could remember the woman. It’s frustrating to think that she was just there, in and out of my life just once. Like a gust of wind, she came, said what she had to say and she was gone. I don’t even remember seeing her come in or leave, I don’t remember much of her face besides the fact that I thought she looked really kind. Then again, I was also a kid so I know that there shouldn’t be so much expected out of said kid, but still. Anyway.

Nowadays, I have my own hair again and while it’s not as brightly coloured as it used to be, I still find means to streak some rainbow into it because that’s just how it should be. It’s what I feel like my hair has to be for me to live each day to the fullest.

I’m beautiful. No one’s going to tell me otherwise. I suffered while I was growing up but I wasn’t the only one so I’m not going to let that slow me down. I live one day, then I live the next, that’s all there should be to life. I don’t like planning too far ahead since you never know what might happen but I have a good feeling about things now. There’s just this thing, I can’t explain it. I just feel like I know I’m going to live a long life and I’m going to live it at her side.

Daily Prompts · Third Generation

I don’t have the stomach for this.

Ixchel (K3) 
Timeline/World: Atheria – 3rd Generation
Characters: Ixchel Tozi
Race: Angel
Age: 30, physically about 20
Final Word Count: 583 words

My first job, while I was still way up there, was to watch over her. I wasn’t supposed to intervene, I wasn’t supposed to let her know about me and I certainly wasn’t supposed to fall in love with her.

I did all of these things. I intervened—far too late that first time around—I let her get to know me, I fell in love with her. I wasn’t going to act on that last one, the age gap between us, as a starting point, was big and I’d known her since she was this tiny little thing, it would have been downright creepy to do anything about this so I let her discover things at her own pace, it was the safest bet. If she’d never fallen in love with me in turn, I would have let it be and I would have let her have her love with whomever it would have been.

I remember when the rules of my being allowed to watch over her were drilled into my mind. I spent time with another guardian, watching how they worked and most of the time, it wasn’t so bad. Just a little nudge here and a little hint there but there was one situation that made me wish I had never been chosen. A situation that still remains with me to this day. I was young, so I suppose that this might be one of the reasons why I had issues handling the whole thing but it also left me feeling… inhumane, that’s a bit sad coming from an angel, isn’t it?

I think I was six or seven back then.

The angels I was following around had a young boy under her wing and the boy lived in a pretty bad area that was filled with fighting and gang wars. These scenes made me worry about what humans were like in general and when I think about it now, it makes me wonder a little, did they put all of the newbies in training with her? Did spending time with her harden our heart to the fact that a lot of humans weren’t worth being guarded? I just don’t know.

One day, as we looked in on the boy, he was walking in an area that was clearly dangerous and anyone could have seen that he was heading right into a trap. I wanted to intervene but she told me not to, she told me to watch. I watched. I watched how the boy did get away but not without several new cuts that likely would scar. I saw blood pooling, I saw people shooting each other, I saw death. I saw so much death that it made me want to go right back to the gates and ask to be placed elsewhere; I didn’t want to be a guardian angel.

I stayed with my calling in the end, though. It wasn’t easy, not at first. I wanted to make sure that everything would go right and well for my little one, I wanted her to have a perfect life and at first I played by the rules, I remained hidden, only offering a little nudge here and there but as she grew up, the fondness I had for her changed into something else entirely and well, the rest is history. I was cast out for disobeying the laws of the people and I’m actually fine with that. I have her in my life, I don’t need them.

Daily Prompts · Third Generation

I sleep much better these days.

Ixchel (K3)

Timeline/World: Atheria 3rd Generation
Characters: Ixchel Tozi
Race: Angel
Age: 30, physically about 20
Final Word Count: 530 words

When I was up there, in the sky, in the clouds, watching from a distance… my nights were short. I had trouble turning my mind ‘off.’ I was constantly worrying about how she was doing, if she was safe, if she was all right. Older angels would tell me that it would come with time and that once I got into the habit of things, it would all become so much easier.

It didn’t.

I was her watcher more or less from her first moments, I was young and inexperienced but they said that it was good for me to start at such a young age. It was good experience. I don’t know who was picked as watcher for her brothers if they had anyone but I wanted to do right by her. I know that not everyone gets a single guardian angel. Most angels have plenty of charges to their names but since I was so young, it didn’t make sense to saddle me with more than one charge to my care and I was fine with that, I knew I couldn’t focus on anyone else but her, she was the most important.

I think I proved my point when I made my presence known to her. I wasn’t supposed to. That’s not how it works but I was there, I wanted to be there with her, I wanted to be at her side. The longing I felt for her felt wrong, considering I had been watching her for so many years but I suppose they should have perhaps expected it from me, maybe. I don’t know.

Once I was there, near her though not with her, my sleep settled a little. I could see that she was doing well, I didn’t have to travel endlessly to be able to check in on her and as I finally introduced myself to her, everything just clicked into place. I knew why I had never been able to sleep well when I’d been so far away, I knew why I longed to be at her side constantly and that first meeting just cemented it all.

I waited, of course. She was young, too young and I didn’t want to have to turn away and never look in on her again. I’ve heard stories of angels falling for their charges but the sentiment not being offered in return. They’re not pretty stories, especially since you can’t just be ‘transferred’ to another guardian. You still have to keep track of your charge, no matter that there might be animosity between the two.

Letting my affections for her be known was nerve-racking. I was terrified of what she would say about it but now, oh now, beautiful years later, I slept the best I’ve ever slept and I still will do all in my power to keep her safe from all harm. Not that there is much harm to be had while living here but one should never truly let their guards down. She is my charge, my one, my everything. She matters more than anything else to me and all I want is her safety and happiness.

Oh, and her love, too.

Daily Prompts · New York City

As you always say, don’t fix what hasn’t been broken.

Ixchel (NYC)

Timeline/World: New York City – Surviving Earth
Characters: Ixchel Tozi
Race: Human
Age: 23
Final Word Count: 588 words

Most of my doctors, until I was in the careful hands of Doctor Axl, were incompetent. I wish I could say this lightly, I do. Not a single one of them could do things right; they kept on giving me the bare-bone basic medication they thought I would need but all of it was useless. For so long I would have seizures that made it almost impossible for me to get any schooling or anything done. No one could understand or pinpoint the source of my seizures. They’d look me over, draw some blood, run some useless tests and come back with the same results as everyone. They’d script the same old useless thing and sent me on my way.

For the most part, they would look at me as though I was faking it all and tell me that there was no point in fixing what wasn’t broken. Because, of course, the fact that I had unexplainable seizure clearly meant that I wasn’t broken somehow. The idiots.

Doc Axl though, he was different. He was patient and willing and he listened. I think my rainbow hair made him smile. It was my real hair but it wasn’t really on my head. One particular doctor thought chemotherapy would help me somehow; he seemed to think that fixing what ‘wasn’t broken’ could be done by breaking it down even further. I knew I was going to lose all of my hair so it was all cut off, dyed into a beautiful rainbow mess and worked into a wig.

I wore that wig every day, oh every single day I would wake up and put that wig back on and it just felt good. I felt good, even if I didn’t always feel good. Doc Axl went poking around in my brain with his tools and the medication I have now works well. Though, I guess I should say the medication I used to take. Doc Flynn had me on her operating table about two years ago, she and Doc Axl both did some prodding around in there and I’m not sure what exactly they did but I haven’t had a seizure since. I kept on taking my medication as needed but after I ran out, I tried my best without and so far there hasn’t been anything and it feels good.

I have my own hair now, it’s not as glorious as my wig was though I still have it but I like my own hair. The top is all its natural with its sorta boring but still sorta pretty blond and the underside is all rainbow colours. It’s all natural dyes too because, well, no way to get my hands on the fake stuff anymore but I don’t care. With it just being the underside that’s coloured, even once more roots start to show, and they do that pretty quickly, my hair is weed, it doesn’t show as much because it’s under, not on top. I do the colours over every other month or so.

Most of my older doctors would always say one thing though, while they claimed I wasn’t broken, while they claimed there was nothing they could do about the seizures, they all said I would never live to see eighteen. I turned seventeen when the world ended and I’m twenty-three now. Twenty-three. I’ve lived to be eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two and now twenty-three. I’m going to live until I’m two hundred and forty-eight, just you watch.