Alcohol Inside · Daily Prompts

Why’s everyone flirting with me today and why can’t it be like that every day?

Vodka aka Rafael (AI - TAtW)

Timeline/World: Darkness of Space – Alcohol Inside
Current Date: July 23, 4023

Character: Vodka Schakowsky
Race: Boozeling – Vodka
Age: 2 776, physically about 22
Current residence: Aboard the CS Black Coral

I don’t know that a single one of us is comfortable with the idea of finding new partners, not yet. I could be wrong, I don’t know what goes on in the mind of my siblings but I know what goes on through mine and there is a good bit of uncertainty going as far as I’m concerned.

It was easy with Lars. It just sort of happened. The affection I felt for him was genuine and I wasn’t just interested in him for the sake of how good of a match we were in bed. It didn’t matter to me that he’d essentially been built for that task—being good in bed. What mattered to me is that there was a connection between us.

Now, I’m not blind to people trying to flirt with me, I just choose to not pay attention to it. It might have been years at this point since he just up and disappeared and maybe I just don’t know how to cope. I’m not saying I’m still holding on to the hope that he’ll come back, I know for a given fact at this point that he’s not coming back but I just don’t know how to open myself up to the idea of others.

Maybe because, from the very beginning, I think that none of us were really ready to imagine there ever being others in our lives. We’ve been alive so long—on the run for quite a bit of those years—and without partners that the idea of partnership hasn’t really been a big subject. The others changed that in us and I feel as though that change happened in a fundamental way. There’s no undoing that change, the desire for a partner is strong—if only because I feel as though having someone at my side would be a gift to cherish—but I just don’t know how to go about it.

Especially now that we’re travelling.

I think it’s a good thing, though. For years, we’ve lived with the pain of their memories permeating the whole house. They were everywhere. I don’t think there was a single nook or cranny that any of us could turn to that would offer solace from their departure from our lives.

Everything still feels too raw, at least for me. It doesn’t matter that it’s been years, it’s been years living in a prison of memories and now we’re just slowly shedding those years away.

Yeah, I know that I’ve been flirted with during some of our pit stops and while it was interesting and it felt different, I don’t know that any part of my brain was salivating at the thought of being flirted with like that every single day. I don’t think I could handle it quite yet.

Thinking back, I don’t know that even before all of this mess that is our lives took the turn it did, I would have been comfortable in my own skin if someone was flirting with me daily. I’ve never been that type of person. Outgoing I might have been—someone had to be though Killian was doing mostly fine on that front when he wasn’t busy trying to keep the lot of us safe—I just wasn’t emotionally open for certain things.

I’m old. I’m allowed to try and make sense of my life now that it’s nothing like what I might have thought it would ever be. Then again, who, in their right mind, plans their whole lives out? Don’t tell me, I don’t want to know, this is purely rhetorical. I’ve been in a weird mood over the last week or so and I feel as though I’ve done a lot of soul-searching and that’s saying a lot considering how much we’ve been through.

It’s not so much that I’ve been questioning what I’ve done with my life, I think I’m just trying to piece myself back together. I’ve allowed myself to move on from the worst of the ache and now I’m trying to remember who I’m really supposed to be. I don’t have to worry about villagers from a backward place—compared to us—being afraid of us. I don’t have to worry about not speaking my mind around my brothers.

There’s just so much to unpack that there are days when I don’t know where to start with it all. The strange part of it all, to me, at least, is that I’ve actually started keeping a sort of journal. It’s something Pieter was doing a little before we first left the planet and I think that most of us have actually picked up on that and we’re doing that in our own way. Not all of us do so by hand but that’s okay. I think that, so long as we’re doing it in a way that’s comfortable to us, there’s no wrong way to go about things in the end. That’s all.

Final Word Count: 825
Daily Prompts · Trip Around the World

I’ve been meaning to tell them how I feel, but after seeing that, I’m beginning to have second thoughts.

Vodka aka Rafael

Timeline/World: Until Tomorrow – Foreign Songs – Trip Around the World
Current Date: December 20, 2022

Character: Vodka Schakowsky
Race: Human
Age: 39
Current residence: Penza, Russia

Before I met Trey, it had been years—more than a decade, almost two, really—since I’d been with anyone. There had been someone while I’d been in university, but we hadn’t lasted. Not for lack of any desire to last but it just hadn’t worked out in the long run. When I moved from California back to Russia, I had one goal in mind. I needed this business idea I had to take off. I wasn’t really worried about money, but I didn’t want to live off of the trust fund that had been set for all of us from a young age. Not for any longer than I needed to.

So, I focused on getting my business off the ground. I worked alone, at first. I picked up small projects, but the results were good, word of mouth got out and, eventually, while I still mostly only did the designs on paper, there were times when the client wanted me to work on the project from where it was happening, and I had to hire outside help.

The outside help was mostly for the physical work to be done. Everything that has to do with figuring out the design and the rest is on my shoulders, and I want it no other way.

I’ve met plenty of people while working. Plenty of these people were very good-looking and, you know, it was almost tempting to let myself be swayed into one night or two but there was never that extra little push that made me want to take that leap. At times, it was something I heard them say to another person; at other times, it might have been a rumour I’d heard while working. They were little things that, yes, I could have tried to clear up but, at the same time, I suppose I just didn’t want to put that much energy into what was meant as a one-night stand.

Enter, Trey.

I’m not sure what it is about him, but it was there almost from the start. He’s so different from most of the people I’ve had to deal with since I started my business here. It was refreshing in a few different ways.

I behaved. I waited until the project was done and over with, to invite him over and we might have jumped right into the physical aspect of things but, you know what? It felt good. I felt good around him, and I considered, for a little while, telling him that much. I balked at one point, though, I can’t even remember why I did, just that I did. I don’t know if it’s in something I remember seeing or just a project that got in the way.

It took until we all were gathered, my brothers, our partners of the moment, for confessions to come out into the open. Hell, if I think about it for a moment, I feel like most of us got confessions out of the way on that particular day. It isn’t such a bad thing. On the day before, the guys were just all so happy to be reunited with old friends they hadn’t seen in years. Of course, there was Tristan’s tall and friendly who joined us the day after that, and it was clear the boys were just happy to be back with their friends and that whole celebration… it was worth it.

While it’s very last minute and I admit that I haven’t told him yet, but three days from now, on the evening of the 23rd, we’ll be getting on a plane. I made sure to clear it up with his boss and I know my brothers have done the same—though they might have talked about the trip as a whole—but we rented a fairly big house for all of us to spend three days together in Austria. All of us looked around, trying to find a place that would accommodate all of us that wasn’t a hotel, and it was Killian who found the house in Austria.

It sits right next to a lake, there are mountains at the back, it’s gorgeous. It’s not quite a bed and breakfast but it could be if the owners so desire, but they rent out to groups like ours whenever someone reaches out to them. I honestly think that it’s going to be a gorgeous Christmas. It’ll be the first one where we’re not going back to California, but mom hasn’t even reached out to the twins since not long after they first got to Killian for the first leg of their trip. She didn’t even reach out on their birthday, and she hasn’t made any effort to ask any of us to join her for Christmas so, you know, I think that the bridges can be taken apart, brick by brick.

All of us have found our pair here in Europe and we can find a semi-central point to meet a few times a year.

Final Word Count: 834
Alcohol Inside · Daily Prompts

I think that if I’m supposed to keep you safe, it’d make my job easier if you didn’t run off like that.

Rafael (AI - TAtW) 
Timeline/World: Darkness of Space – Alcohol Inside
Characters: Vodka Schakowsky
Race: Boozeling – Vodka
Age: 2 774, physically about 22
Current residence: Aboard the CS Black Coral
Final Word Count: 736 words

It’s hard to put into words the relief that washed over us all when we left the planet. I’m fairly aware that Pieter denied it at first. His escape from our current reality was in the shape of the endless library that somehow had been in the building when we’d first moved in. Most of us had asked ourselves the one question but it hadn’t gotten any answers.

Who had lived here before us and how had they amassed so many books from so many corners of the galaxy? There were plenty of languages in there that none of us understood, though Pieter had tried his hand at translating a few of them.

When we left, I think we packed up close to a dozen crates that were about six feet all around. It might not seem much, but even a dozen creates with just enough padding for comfort, filled to the near brim with books, it makes for a lot of books but even with that, we left more behind than we picked up and I know that this is why Pieter claimed that he hated the idea of leaving.

Within about a week, however, it was clear that all of us were breathing easier. We were away from the place that had kept us rooted in with our painful memories and it was helping us.

On the first landing—the place where we changed from Killian’s old and slightly cramped ship to a much bigger one where comfort made long-term travel a breeze—I still remember hearing the triplets playfully ganging up on Tristan, telling him that they couldn’t rightfully keep him safe if he kept on wandering off on his own. It made him roll his eyes and walk off, just to spite them, but I could see the small smile playing on his lips. It was the kind of thing we needed, this getting away.

Now, I know that Tristan doesn’t need the protection and the triplets weren’t really offering but these four had a rough start, years ago, and at times, I think that the triplets are still trying to make it up to him. I don’t really know why but it’s just what it is. They don’t try often and that might be for the best; otherwise, I seriously think that they would have scared him away a really long time ago and he wouldn’t even bother talking to them anymore.

Despite the size of the ship, I’m sure that this would make for a pretty awkward bit of travelling.

At this point, we’ve mostly just been slowly roaming, seeing where the sky takes us though we’ve had a few discussions as a family about maybe trying to see if Zen wouldn’t be interested in coming with us. I know that he hasn’t been part of our family, not even from the start, but he’s still a brother of ours. It technically isn’t really our fault that They sent him off to the far reaches of the galaxy so he could learn to control his gift. It was no fault of his that he was draining Hannah, even from a distance. If he had no one to teach him how to control it, how was he supposed to learn?

I’m pretty sure that he’ll tell us to just get lost once we do perhaps get to him if we go that way. He would probably see our presence now as a farce. Why hadn’t we tried earlier? Why leave him out there on his own? I don’t know what’s going on with him, I don’t know what kind of life he has. All I—we—do know is that he’s alive and he seems to be doing at least well enough to be healthy.

I don’t know why we didn’t try earlier. I guess we were all just too content with our own partners and the way our lives were going to think about the fact that he was all the way out there. For all any of us know, he might be happy on that planet. He might not even want or need us but unless we go and ask, we won’t know, will we? I think that this is what it’s about, in the end. We do need to at least check once, see if he’s interested at all, maybe try to make amends and go from there.

Daily Prompts · Trip Around the World

You’re happy that you caught me, but I don’t think you should be. Why not? Well, see, I’m not going down without a fight and I never lose.

Rafael (AI - TAtW) 
Timeline/World: Until Tomorrow – Foreign Songs – Trip Around the World
Characters: Vodka Schakowsky
Race: Human
Age: 38
Current residence: Penza, Russia
Final Word Count: 785 words

I hadn’t expected to find that fox in my apartment. I hadn’t expected to find it in here and, to perhaps add insult to injury, I still haven’t found the spot where it came in from. As I’m not on the ground floor of this warehouse-turned-apartment building, I can usually get away with having my windows opened during most of the day when the weather allows and I’ve yet to ever have any issues.

Or, well, I’ve yet to have any issues like this one though I’ve had a few slight birds, but I figure that this is what I get for having my windows wide open. I don’t mind. I can usually find the fluttering visitors and get them back outside where they belong.

That fox, though, I’m still baffled.

When I got home after being out and dealing with a bit of shopping, I found my door still locked, so it certainly couldn’t have come in that way. I had closed all of my windows upon leaving because I’m not that much of an idiot to leave windows unattended and the living room and kitchen area were more than a little messy.

I found it hiding behind several upturned cushions.

My first thoughts, of course, were to keep away from it mostly for the sake that I didn’t know whether it was rabid or not. I didn’t want to take any chances, so I placed a call in for someone to come and pick it up. I left it mostly be and went about cleaning up the kitchen, but I realized that, after five or so minutes, it had come out of its hiding spot and while it was keeping its distance, it was whining at me, or so it seemed, in any case.

So, I turned around, I stared at it still from a safe distance and it just, it didn’t look like it wanted to maim or maul me, it just looked lost and from my spot, I actually noticed a collar around its neck. Now, I’ve heard about certain people trying to domesticate red foxes, but I have a hard time wrapping my mind around the idea that anyone would want to do that kind of thing, maybe I’m just old-fashioned. Maybe I just haven’t had enough of a normal childhood to think this is normal. I don’t know.

I took a small chance, the folks I’d called had told me they’d likely need an hour or so to make it around and to just leave it be, but it wasn’t doing any harm at this point, as far as I could tell. So, I flopped down on the ground, I stopped moving and I waited. It didn’t take very long for this little one to come closer and just take in all the smells it could from me. I had almost reached out to touch its head somewhat when my bell rang. I think I’d been more trying to reach out to the collar more than anything else, but that bell made it scamper right back out into the living room where it had been hiding under some cushions as I’d come in.

I let the single guy into the apartment, pointed him in the direction and made mention of the collar. That didn’t seem to faze him much and within a few minutes, the mock-chase was on. Not that it lasted long either. He had a collar on a pole around its neck a few minutes after he’d made it into the apartment and the fox was just giving it this look.

Now, I don’t talk fox, but I can’t help but feel as though it was trying to tell the guy that he could be happy all he wanted about catching it, but there was no reason for that because there was no way in hell he’d go down without a fight, and he never lost a fight. Yeah, I’m aware that it’s pretty far-fetched to be able to get something that ‘deep’ just from a look at a poor, caught fox but it’s just one of those things. I’m not gonna lie, I was sort of rooting for the fox.

The guy told me that the fox would be fine, that they’d check the collar and all the rest and that I was all right to feel safe again. I might have somehow managed to refrain from snorting at the idiot but that’s about it. Once he and the unexpected visitor were gone, I just went about cleaning up the mess that had been left behind.

I still can’t help thinking about the fact that it was wearing a collar and very possibly a tag.

Alcohol Inside · Daily Prompts

How can you be so polite, yet so rude? It’s unnerving.

Rafael (AI - TAtW) 
Timeline/World: Darkness of Space – Alcohol Inside
Characters: Vodka Schakowsky
Race: Boozeling – Vodka
Age: 2 773, physically about 22
Final Word Count: 788 words

There are days when I wish we could leave this place. I mean, it’s not a bad place, it’s actually great. The house had grown some since we’ve settled here so many years ago and I’m actually amazed at how soothing it has come to be, to live in a place that can fix itself when it needs to as it is a living, breathing thing but, at the same time, this place has grown to be exhausting.

We’ve been here long enough that I feel as though the villagers should have gotten used to us by now but they haven’t. They’re still terrified of us because we’re just so different and it wears someone thin to constantly have to keep track of what I can and cannot do when I go out to the village for any reason at all.

It’s been a rough few years but we’ve all adapted at this point, I think. Phillip is gone; I don’t know where he left to. One evening, he was there and the following morning, he was gone. Bee doesn’t know where he’s gone to and he hasn’t left any notes. We’ve tried to track him but nothing shows. My brother hit a low that took months to pull him back up front and he’s just barely started smiling again.

Both Marut and Zeke have left to go back to a nearby colony as their bodies were simply not handling the planet in the way ours were. Pieter and Killian both had locked themselves away after their departure but they’ve both come out of their rooms a little more recently. I had hoped that Larz would remain but even his body seemed to be slowly deteriorating over the years spent on this planet. There is something in the air that works poorly with non-human-based DNA setups. I wanted to go with him but, much like Phillip, he left without warning. I wonder if they didn’t leave together. I haven’t found him either.

I have tried to coax my siblings into getting back into the spaceship so that we might just perhaps find elsewhere to settle at and try to find another home for ourselves. We all love this grandiose home but I think it’s time to uproot ourselves back into space. Maybe we can find a colony somewhere. This place just has too many memories attached to it and it’s not doing us any good.

There is only Killian’s ship left for us take but it is more than spacious for all of us. At least for a little while. We might need to upgrade into something a little bigger since it isn’t meant to sustain all of us for long periods of time and if we’re going to be floating around space for a while, trying to find a new place, we might need that much.

When I spoke to Killian about it, he gave me this tight-lipped smile about how he’d been arguing with his AI for the better part of a week. It had been a long time since the ship had left the planet and the AI was being a grumpy idiot. Something about being so polite and yet being so rude at the same time. I know he’s always had issues with it but it seems as though it might have gotten worse in its resting state.

All of us have gathered what we feel we might need. It is Pieter who has the most to leave behind but we figure that if we can pack up all of the books he’s found over the years—though we know we’ll come back to this place at some point, most likely—we can drop them to sit in the cargo bay for a while. The rest, after they were done packing up their things—we have been on this planet at least for fifteen years now, longer, I think—helped in clearing out the ship. We gave it a thorough inside and out clean, our newly appointed mechanics—I never expected that from Vardan, let alone Casimir—have made sure, with Killian’s help that the ship would run smoothly.

This place was a beautiful haven when we found it and, somehow, we found those who were missing from our group as we were here. As a family, we’ve even decided to see if we couldn’t pick up Zen so that he would join us. We know that, by now, he’s learned to control his gift but he might still not be interested in joining us. His life was different from ours though we all faced hardships but we believe that we’re better as a whole unit and not separated, so we’ll see.

Daily Prompts · Trip Around the World

I know for a fact that this—all of it—was my fault and I’m making up for it. Reluctantly.

Rafael (AI - TAtW) 
Timeline/World: Until Tomorrow – Trip Around the World
Characters: Vodka Schakowsky
Race: Human
Age: 37
Final Word Count: 703 words

Am I turning into a grumpy old man? I don’t think so. I’m still young by most standards so the ugly looks I’m being given can rightfully stuff it where I think because I decided I wasn’t going to let this particular teen get away with the excuse that he’s young and he can do whatever he wants. I live in a warehouse, so to speak. It was an abandoned building that was bought by a bored millionaire who got it back up to standards and then made apartments out of it.

The building itself is pretty big, but so is each apartment. Most are open plan and that suits me perfectly fine. If you could see the sheer amount of afternoon light I get through the wall of windows I have, it’s gorgeous. The rent isn’t bad for something this big. I was expecting much pricier when I first looked into it years ago but I was surprised and, well, big as it is, it could do with someone else for company but I haven’t really managed to find anyone yet. Who knows if I ever really will? I’m fine with that, though. Most of my brothers had someone in their lives while we were doing the university thing some nearly fifteen years back but it didn’t last for any of us.

Now, this kid, though, he’s something else. He seems to think that any ‘old’ brick building or any old looking warehouse is his for the vandalizing and they’ve let him get away with it for as long as I’ve been here. In a way, I’m thankful because I don’t live on the ground floor but it still is a problem. The ‘tags’ he sprays on the walls aren’t pretty, they aren’t nice looking. They’re just whatever signature he uses at the time with some message that has no rhyme or reason attached to it.

Too bad for the kid, though, I caught him red-handed a couple of weeks back and I did the adult things that all teenagers seem to hate. I went and spoke to his parents about it. I was a little surprised when I realized that he came from a pretty good neighbourhood, not the type from which you usually see these kids come from but I know that’s just me generalizing at this point.

His parents were mad, to say the least. The kid was refusing to admit that he’d been the one to tag the buildings but video proof doesn’t really lie. He started to tell a bit of a sob story about how ‘they’ had made him do it and he was only trying to fit in and the whole thing just sounded like a mess to me but his parents ate it all up. We still did come to a compromise that he’d be scrubbing off the tags he’d done on our building and that he’d hopefully never do it again.

He was more than a little glum when he first stepped up to the building to start in on his scrubbing; brick is hard to scrub clean and I admit that I watched him sweat it out there for a couple of hours before I joined him outside with a small, portable pressure washer. He gave me this look like he thought I had the plague but when I started helping him with the mess, he sort of let it go.

By the end of this little impromptu not-quite bonding that did last almost six hours for how much tagging there was to clean up—not just his, I know—he told me that he knew that he was to blame, that if he hadn’t started, others wouldn’t have tagged the building in turn and he was trying to make up for it, if reluctantly. I didn’t add anything to his confession, it wasn’t my place to tell him that he was a good kid or that he was redeemed; he’d done something he shouldn’t have because he had thought it to be cool and well, nothing was free in this world but at least the building had gotten back its old, worn charm and I was pretty happy about it.

Daily Prompts · Trip Around the World

How can you sit there and watch this? It’s so embarrassing.

Rafael (AI - TAtW) 
Timeline/World: Until Tomorrow – Trip Around the World
Characters: Vodka Schakowsky
Race: Human
Age: 36
Final Word Count: 645 words

Everywhere I look when my co-workers are on break, are childhood videos being watched. Be it theirs or recent videos they’ve taken of their kids, it seems to be the one thing going around right now. I have nothing of my childhood. I have no videos—it was only just beginning back then—but I also have no photos whatsoever. My mother was not a woman who thought about keeping souvenirs of things as they happened. She was too busy keeping her legs wide open and focused on the pleasure that brought in than anything about her kids.

I mean, think about it. I’m the second born, my father is different from Killian’s, our first names are all alcohol names based on where we’re born, at least, except for the last three. Their names are still alcohol-based but they’re not alcohols made where they were born. Hannah was more worried about escaping from Killian’s father and getting all the sex she could, to think much about the consequences of everything else.

Bless Morrigan and Ramon who took care of us whenever we were around their location long enough for them to even know we were there. We otherwise mostly just raised one another though she briefly calmed down after Tristan since the triplets were born almost fifteen years later. Look at it from any angle but even they all have differing last names, how does that make sense if they were from the same man? It’s almost as though she believes they weren’t. She hasn’t told us about the night she believes she conceived them but knowing her naming habits well enough and looking back on things, I have to assume it is the night when she had these three men in her room and didn’t even come out for almost a full twenty-four hours.

So I don’t have any photographic memories of my childhood and that might be for the best. I don’t have any videos to watch and get embarrassed about. None of us do. The latest three have some photos and a few videos because we’re the ones who took them. We’re the ones who filmed and prepared things and made sure they had these memories to hold on to.

These three are also the first ones of us who’ll ever have lived in a house. For years, we lived out of hotel rooms. My mother had these… contacts, I suppose you could say. Our lives were spent living in and out of hotel rooms and I never asked to know how she could afford any of it. There was plenty we never really needed, I can agree to that easily.

It is really only later on that I learned that her parents died when she was young and they’d left her a little fortune and most of it was well placed and only generated more income. I don’t know whether or not she only was given a certain amount or not but that is one of those things. No, we’ve never wanted for anything but living out of hotel rooms and moving every few months because she was becoming restless and worried about being found was no way to grow up as kids.

Killian made sure that all of us studied as we could, since we’d never been to school, not officially. We were all marked as home schooled and we’ve done well, I mean, look at where we all are now but all in all, our childhood wasn’t all that wonderful. There’s no going back in time to change these things, I know. I don’t think I would want to, because it might change our lives in ways more drastic than I’m willing to face.

My childhood might have not been the happiest one but I’m happy with my life now and I’d rather not change anything about it.

Alcohol Inside · Daily Prompts

I can see you trying to hide how tired you are, but I bet you’ve read the same paragraph four times over by now.

Rafael (AI - TAtW)
Timeline/World: Darkness of Space – Alcohol Inside
Characters: Vodka Schawkowsky
Race: Boozeling – Vodka
Age: 2 771, physically about 22
Final Word Count: 623 words

I’m not the oldest of my siblings, that is Killian; it doesn’t stop me from checking in on everyone now and again, just to make sure they’re all right, just because it makes me feel good to know that everyone is okay and has everything they need.

It’s rare that there’s much of anything that actually needs to be changed in the way we all live our lives but now and again, there’s going to be a little snag somewhere and smoothing it out takes a bit of work but it’s worth it, in the long run.

I’d like to take Pieter as an example. I know he and Zeke are usually inseparable but there are days when Pieter still is in full-blown young explorer mode and Zeke’s joints just can’t keep up. It hasn’t happened in quite a few years and last time it did, it turned into a disaster though we did fix it all up nice and pretty and while there are memories of the day, the issues are no more and have been left behind.

Just a few months ago, however, I found Pieter hunched over one of the old tomes we have in the library—we still don’t know who filled in the library, we know the house likely built itself as it still grows slowly over time now but the library was full when we made this house our home. He was nodding off, that much was clear in the way he was trying to not fall over but he was fighting sleep.

I could just barely remember that there had been a new discovery of sorts in one of the underground chambers and he’d been reading all he could find, to get more information but that’s also one of those things with him. He doesn’t know when to stop; he doesn’t know when to even just take a break. It worries all of us when he gets going on old tomes like these. We have to bring him food and then cajole him into taking a break to eat or even just taking a break to sleep.

That time had been no different. I stepped closer to him, quiet on my feet but still letting him be aware that I was coming closer since he spooked easily. I can’t blame him. Not after what happened in the space station. It was years ago but it left its mark on all of those who had been caught. He didn’t even notice me come up, no matter that I tried to make it easy for him to take notice, he didn’t.

I cleared my throat, still no reaction. I stepped a little closer, hell I moved in until I was right by his side. I crouched down, looked up into his face and… well forget it; he was actually out for the count, his cheek resting on his hand, his elbow on the table. I did the only thing I could do. I placed a marker on his pace and I carefully closed the heavy book, I pulled him into my arms and I walked him back into his room. I wish Zeke paid more attention to him. They’re supposed to be close but it’s at times like these that it makes me wonder. I understand that they don’t have to be together all the time but I’m pretty sure Pieter’s been at this table for hours, it isn’t right.

Tucking him in is always easy as pie and I even undressed him so he’d be comfortable. I don’t know how long he slept but none of us saw him until the following morning, so there’s that. I wish he’d worry about his health a bit more.